Month: January 2023

When Your Ex-Partner Refuses You Entry

In many instances, the end of a relationship may be tough. It might be even more stressful if you and your ex-spouse share children and your ex refuses to allow you to visit your kid. Countrywide Mediation Woking

However, can a mother deny access? What happens if my ex-spouse refuses to allow me see my child? Are they permitted to do so by law? Or, can I prevent my ex-spouse from visiting my child? It may not even be immediately after the breakup; occasionally access is terminated or limited after functioning normally for a period. Why would my ex do such a thing?

Worse still, what can you do if your ex makes false claims against you?

This brief essay describes what you may do to overcome such issues and get (or maintain) appropriate access to your children throughout their formative years.

Why won’t my ex-spouse allow me to

What exactly is Mediation?

   UK Family Mediation Plymouth assists families whose relationships have broken down to achieve a future accord.

·        Couples whose relationship has broken down may make choices face-to-face via mediation.

·        This method is beneficial for addressing family conflicts.

·        A mediator provides separated or divorced spouses with fair and impartial information on legal rights and process.

·        It may be used as a substitute to judicial processes or in conjunction with them.

·        We create a safe, impartial atmosphere that is controlled and organised. It is an alternate, non-confrontational way of family conflict resolution.

What concerns may be resolved via mediation?

·        Children, including concerns such as where the children live or with whom they spend their time.

·        Finances, including difficulties pertaining to real estate, pensions, savings, investments, debts, and upkeep. Our Mediators are specialised and experienced Family Lawyers who also handle high-value assets; as a result, we can provide a specialised mediation service in cases involving …