Month: July 2017

How to Give Your Ride a Stylish Touch with Professional Tire Lettering

If you are a motoring enthusiast, you appreciate how much work goes into making your car look cool. While most people consider their cars just for their functionality, there is a growing segment of car lovers who are always looking for cool ideas to make their rides stand out. Of course there are so many ideas a car owner can use to stand out from the crowd.

Going Bold with Tire Lettering

One of the coolest trends today is tire lettering. When done by a professional, this is a technique that makes your vehicle stand out. Whether you are a motoring buff or not, you will agree that when a car with lettered tires stops next to you at the lights, you take time to admire it.  What you might now know is that this is a technique you can also use to bring your car tires to life.  …

9 Incredible Advantage Of A Customs Bonded Warehouse

You might have heard or read the term customs bonded warehouse and wondered what it is. Well, if you are moving or travelling to a country like Australia where customs clearance rules are very strict, knowledge of customs bonded warehousing is advantageous.


A bonded warehouse is a secure storage area where goods to be shipped are stored, manipulated and even manufactured without having to pay any duty. Once these goods enter the warehouse, they are the responsibility of the warehouse authority under an agreement made between the warehouse authority and importer/exporter.

Warehouses are temperature controlled and are equipped with all facilities for storage, palatalizing, packing and stock control. Trade fairs and exhibition goods can also be stored in these warehouses.

Warehouses are mostly owned by the government but many private companies too have warehouses which require a posted customs bond as well as some customs supervision.

A customs bonded warehouse

Differences between normal cars and sports cars

Have you ever wondered what the differences between your daily car and a sports car are? Many people ask themselves why a certain car is so special or why is it so expensive yet they rarely search for an answer. Here you have some differences between a super car and a normal car:

One of the biggest differences is purpose. While your daily car is multi-purposed, a sports car is specifically built for one thing, to go fast. Sports cars are far more superior to normal cars when it comes to power, acceleration and top speed. Normal cars are designed for customers who prefer passenger capacity and fuel efficiency over the high performance delivered by a supercar.

Normal cars can’t reach insane speeds, but they can take a big family on a road trip with a lot of luggage and without making any compromise when it comes to comfort. Those …