Etoro vs. Binance: Which is more preferable?
Crypto trading is quite in trend nowadays. Etoro and Binance are both popular and trustworthy platforms having their individual perks and offerings. It is always preferable to choose a good crypto exchange to trade cryptocurrency as it is a place to sell and purchase it. In this article we will be discussing the two most popular crypto exchange platforms and their details.
What is Binance?
Binance is the popular cryptocurrency exchange where you can trade with low fees. It contains advanced trading tools. As far as the security concern, it is the safest platform. Its strong system offers hardware 2FA, a real-time monitoring system which is used to detect suspicious activity, security notifications through email, and many other advanced security features. Its high security plan makes it a much safer option as it allows the user to keep the majority of crypto in “cold wallets”. It is not connected to …