In most cases, anything between 200% and 400% Magic Find is sufficient for general-purpose MF builds, and anything higher than that is overkill. Some hyper-specialized builds have the ability to stack more than 600% Magic Find while still being able to clear the areas for which they were created. Overall, you want to design your build in a way that results in a good combination of Clear Speed and Magic Find, as having a high level of Magic Find combined with a low level of Clear Speed, or vice versa, is counterproductive and extremely wasteful.

In response to the question, the optimal amount of Magic Find will be determined primarily by your chosen farming location, Character Build, Equipment, and personal skill level, among other factors. Start with 300% Magic Find and gradually increase the percentage until your clear speed begins to noticeably slow down. To avoid clearing issues at 300% MF, try the following:
If you encounter no difficulties when clearing a zone, you might want to consider swapping some of your equipment for additional Magic Find items.
If you’re having trouble clearing a zone, consider swapping out some MF Items for equipment that will increase your character’s overall strength rather than MF Items.
Is it possible to use Magic Find with chests and the Barbarian’s Find Item Skill?
Yes, the short answer to both of these questions is indeed.
After updating to version 1.08, Magic Find is now compatible with chests, corpses (slain rogues, skeletons, and other undead), barrels, urns, and stashed items, as well as any other openable/breakable items you come across while traveling. The fact that Chest Runs are a viable strategy for Magic Finding is further evidenced by the fact that

Magic Find is compatible with the Find Item Skill of the Barbarian in updates v1.08 D2/S2X and later. It is as a result of this that Barbarian is excellent for Magic Finding in areas with a high concentration of Unique and Super Unique enemies (Find Item grants you an additional d2r terror zones tracker roll, which significantly increases the total number of D2R items you receive).
What are the best locations for Magic Detection?
We’ve put together a detailed breakdown of each of these areas, which you can find further down on this page. The fact that Champions, Uniques, and Super Uniques can drop any item in the game makes all Level 85 areas fantastic, as they can be found in any location in the game. Due to the fact that their level corresponds to the quality level of any specific treasure class Diablo 2 Fastest Leveling Guide Season 1 (which means that ANY item that drops from them has a chance to be a Set or Unique piece), this occurs.
What is the relationship between the Magic Find and my Merc and/or Minions?
The Magic Find Gear that you equip on your Mercenary will have no effect on your chances of dropping magical items. Whenever your Merc kills something, both your Merc’s and your Magic Find will be taken into consideration when calculating drop percentages for the item. This means that your Merc has a much greater chance of having a higher Magic Find than you do. Minions, on the other hand, are unable to equip any Items, so their Magic Find is always equal to yours.
When magic finding, should I look for specific items to target?
The short answer is that it does not. Even though certain Unique Items have higher chances of dropping from specific Monsters/Uniques/Bosses, their Drop Rate (even when using a high Magic Find stat) is so low that you’re better off taking a shotgun approach to obtaining them. All you have to do is farm in areas where you are most comfortable or where you achieve the fastest clear speeds, and you will see positive results. You will get more high-quality items if you roll for them more often. More kills equals more drop chances, which equals a greater number of high-quality items.